Don’t Miss the Quick facts about Kids Sleepwear


Pic Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/love-baby-boys-family-50692/

Preschoolers (3-5 years) generally need between 10-13 hours of sleep per night, and school-age children (6-13 years) need between 9-11 hours of sleep per night. Your family doctor might have said this to you before. But how to make them have an undisturbed and deep sleep?  Sleep hygiene solves plays a big role.

As a part of their daily routine, kids go to various places. They go to school, run on the grounds and play at the parks and finally come home with a lot of dirt and germs on their skin. Now it’s really important for them to take a bath and change their clothes.

Fabric for sleepwear and bedding are instrumental in deciding their sleep quality at night.

Ok then, How to choose them?

Let us not generalize this, here we consider based on the room environment. Kids who sleep in the Air-conditioned rooms and the ones who sleep without them.

Oh no! Then how? Don’t worry, this article helps you to choose the fabric based on your room’s environment.

Children sleeping with Air conditioning on, may feel cooler at night.

  • Dress them with an extra layer.
  • Stick to cotton as it is comfortable and breathable.
  • Cuddle up with a thermal blanket or use fleece and velvet bed sheets to make them feel warmer at night.
  • Thermal or fleece wear comforts them even if the blankets have moved to the sides.
  • It’s always advisable to put mittens for your newborn.

Children sleeping without air conditioning may feel hotter at night

  • Reduce the layers of their nightwear
  • Short pajamas and a sleeveless top will go well
  • Cotton always goes well. It can absorb the sweat and keep the kids cool at night.
  • Linen is incredibly light and durable fabric. And cools the body temperature of your kid.
  • Bamboo. Looking for a natural fabric? Bamboo is one of them. Supercooling in summer for your kids.

For a detailed explanation on fabrics visit https://blog.pzizz.com/the-best-fabrics-for-bedding-and-sleepwear-6716453367ac

So, why late? For the best quality of nightwear for kids, please visit one of the nearest Bachpan Stores in Hyderabad or just give them a call to deliver to your doorsteps.




When the mercury starts rising, the risk of sun exposure and overheating rises too. Not knowing when to stop expending their energies, your children are at a greater risk of facing the repercussions than an adult. Simply because they don’t know yet, how to take care of themselves. While choosing the best fabric, styling cannot be ignored either. Here are a few tips on how you can effectively step in and help them deal with the UV rays and the unrestrained heat.


  1. Summer protection kit, is a must

A cap or a hat is very important when playing out in the sun or on the beach during the summers. Kids sunglasses with UV protection are equally significant for their little eyes by preventing a dry-up, which may lead to an infection. Kids sunscreen lotion before an exposure to the sun, from a reliable brand goes a long way in preventing sun burns for the tender skin.

  1. Weaves do matter

Cotton weaves are a recommendation for all seasons, especially for the summers. They let the skin breathe and when your little one perspires, it allows the sweat to dry up instead of trapping them up and causing rashes. It’s better to stick to shorts and sleeveless clothing when in the shade or indoors. However, in the sun, it’s wise to go for full sleeves and full pants to cut down on the exposure.

  1. Labels are for a reason

While buying your kids clothing do not miss out on reading the label for fabric details.  Weight of the clothing is equally vital as lighter the clothing, the better it is for the summers.

  1. As soothing as the colours and contrasts

Pastel shades and brighter colours reflect the rays better than darker colours that absorb the heat. A darker contrast for the hem, collars or the pockets may do wonders to the style though and is a clever way to keep the fashion going with comfort. Kids clothing is not about kiddish designs

  1. Last but not the least

While the gears and fabrics are an integral part of kids wear, let’s not forget about the styling. The fit and the finesse cannot be compromised on. How you dress them now is going to be building block for how they dress themselves up when they grow up.

All said and done, remember no amount of precaution is better than keeping them out of direct sun’s rays as much as possible. So stay fit this summer and enjoy the extra doses of Vit D…

Top 3 Don’ts to Stop Bad Behaviour in Children

1. No Pendulum Approach

A deal is a deal. No amount of whining, no matter how hard it is, it’s important to stick to the deal. Once you give in, you lose your authority and you are probably heading towards raising someone who is okay with being a deal-breaker every now and then. So, if the deal is to order for noodles from one of your child’s favourite restaurants once they complete a certain task, ensure that the food is ordered only when the task is complete.

 2. No Breaking Promises

If you promised your child to take them to a trade fair on Sunday, put everything else on hold and make this visit a priority. If you are unable to do what you promised, it’s important to communicate your apologies and to make them understand why you were unable to fulfil a certain promise. If in doubt, don’t make any promises by succumbing to your child’s pressurizing tactics.

3. No Preaching from the Back Bench

Be a role model. Yes, these corporate management tricks are useful in raising a well-behaved kid too. If you want your child to not use abusive language, to read books, to crack age-appropriate jokes, respect elders and the likes, display that behaviour. Just preaching won’t help. You will end up raising a preacher and not someone who walks their talk.

4 tips to develop cognitive skills in toddlers

Cognitive skills are about the abilities in a child to think logically, analyse situations, express, distinguish and correlate. Here are a few tips on how to work with toddlers towards achieving the set milestones.

  1. Practice Counting and Alphabets – Play rhythmic songs that count numbers with beats and alphabets with words. This develops memorising and learning skills in toddlers. They also learn to associate things with each other.blog-6.1
  2. Give them the liberty to Choose – Children, if given the option to choose discreetly, develop excellent decision making skills. Also, asking them about their opinion on a certain thing makes them feel encouraged to participate.children-choosing
  3. Keep them socially engaged – Encourage your toddler to socialise in children’s parks or with other kids in your locality. This develops their interaction skills, helping them learn to communicate better.socialization-in-babies-722x406
  4. Engage them in games – Block games and age-appropriate puzzles can do wonders in developing your child’s motoring skills. Hide and seek games are quite fun while developing the ability to analyse and reach goals. erik-525x350

5 Tips for inculcating reading habits in children

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.” – Emilie Buchwald

One should encourage their children to read to strengthen their vocabulary, grammar and sentence construction, creative visualization, narrative skills, critical thinking, general knowledge, and most importantly concentration building.

1. Bond while reading it out to them

While reading out to your baby, a little bit of acting out, gesticulating and facial expressions add fun to the session. Words must be read clearly for them to register well in your baby’s minds. You can start reading out to your baby after 3 months of age, because that is when they learn to recognise sounds, pictures and emotions.



2. Make reading a fun activity and not a chore

Do not switch on the TV or hand over a mobile to your child when he/she is bored. Instead, take a few minutes out and read a story for them from one of their favourite books, or use a picture book.  Enjoy the seesion yourself and your child will learn to have fun just by watching you.



3. Make your house book-friendly

Introduce a reading culture in your house. Establish reading areas, for example, reading while having meals in your dining area or in the balcony in the evening. Make a habit of reading to your child before going to bed.


4. Discuss books and their authors

Knowing the author and the context in which the book was written makes a read more fascinating. Discuss with your children what they are reading currently. This helps them to develop interest in books, and they also learn to narrate stories and express themselves better. Ask them questions and acknowledge their narratives; this makes them feel heard.


5. Correlate moral of the stories to real life

Every story has a moral. Teach your child to understand the morals by asking them open-ended questions. Make them think and ensure they remember the moral by using it in daily life situations. Makimg the scenarios a little funny and interesting will leave an impression upon them, helping the children to remember it for a long time.


“So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall.” – Roald Dahl


4 Tips for a New Parent

  1. Limit screen time – It can be quite tempting to sit your children in front of a TV or hand them a phone to keep them occupied while you run chores or wish to take a nap. Avoid doing so often as it can lead to poor sleeping habits, and poor reading and social skills in the future.child-using-ipad
  2. Do not use “Baby Talk” with your toddler – Research says that children develop better social skills if they are exposed to the right words and pronunciations from an early age. So, it is time to say goodbye to all shortened words you have been using to communicate with your child.e4ac2da82389b29e_baby-talk
  3. Stick thick medical tape over low-level plug points – Do you have an energetic and handy toddler? Does your child try to stick his/her fingers in the plug points? Here’s a simple solution. Buy a roll of thick medical tape from a pharmacy and stick 1-2 layers on the plug points that can be easily accessed by your toddler. Cheapest way to babyproof your house!


  4. Do you have pets? Did you just have a baby? Most new parents give up their pets when a baby arrives. You do not have to do that. Pets can be great protectors and companions of your baby. Let your pet get accustomed to your baby’s smell by giving them the hospital blanket of your child. Slowly introduce them to your child by letting them sniff your baby. If the pet has not become friendly towards your child yet, make sure your child does not crawl into your pet’s bed/crate. Patience is the key here!   hqdefault

Healthy childhood = Healthy life

  1. Don’t say “because I said so”. Give a valid reason for saying no to your children. “Can I eat this chocolate?” ” No, because I am about to serve you dinner.” This way, children will not feel the need to ignore you and rebel.mother-child-talking-rex-resized-600
  2. Same way, teach your children to provide you with a valid reason for saying “No”. This will improve their understanding of general subjects and interpersonal skills.GettyImages-101320640-57164c503df78c3fa2aeafc7
  3. If your child does not like a particular person in the family or at school, sit down with him/her and ask the reason. Do not force your child to spend time with people they dislike; they might have valid reasons.when-your-child-dislikes-the-preschool-teacher
  4. Don’t make your children hug or kiss a family member or friend if they don’t want to. Children need to be encouraged to show when they dislike an act of physical touch. This will help in creating healthier boundaries. Child-Wont-Hug-Grandma

5 alternative uses of baby products

  1. Baby wipes – Baby wipes are perfect for removing make-up and deodorant stains from clothes, marker and crayon scribbles, cleaning shoes and keyboards.
  2. Baby oil – Baby oil does an excellent job at removing waterproof mascara, treat cracked heel, remove latex paint from skin, polish stainless steel utensils and leather bags and shoes.
  3. Baby rash cream – Baby rash cream works amazingly on pimples.applying-pimple-cream
  4. Baby shampoo – Baby shampoo can be used to wash your delicate undergarments.Peek-a-boo-I-See-Right-Through-You-Washing-Delicates-Without-Causing-Damage-1-320x202
  5. Baby powder – Baby powder works wonderfully to eliminate odours from rugs, carpets, sofas and shoes, and remove grease stains. Just sprinkle some baby powder on the smelly rug and vacuum it after 5 minutes to make it adourless.

How to get your children to eat more GREEN vegetables?

  1. Make stuffed paranthas with grated and chopped mixed vegetables. You can add chopped spinach, mooli (radish) and beetroot leaves, grated broccoli, methi (fenugreek), green peas, with carrots, paneer, onions and potatoes to even out the taste. You can also add the vegetables directly to the dough.
  2. Add grated lauki (bottle gourd) and finely chopped spinach to your dals to play with the taste and feed greens to your children.
  3. Make stir-fry veg with broccoli, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, green capsicum along with mushrooms, baby corn, sweet corn, onions, and yellow and red bell peppers. Serve with rice.
  4. Add green vegetables to your pasta and spaghetti to create a yummy nutritious snack.
  5. Make salads in the form of chat – with onion, spinach, broccoli, capsicum, tomato, lemon juice and spices (like bhel puri), and use different salad dressings to experiment with the taste.
  6. Make Kathi Rolls with a variety of sauteed green vegetables mixed in mayonnaise and ketchup.
  7. Make purees of lauki (bottle gourd), broccoli, beetroot leaves, spinach and other green vegetables, and add them to vegetarian and non-vegetarian curries to make sure the required nutrients are included in the children’s diet.

3 easy peasy school lunch recipes

1. Curd Sandwich

  • 4 tbsp curd
  • 1/2 chopped onion
  • 1/2 chopped onion
  • Pinch of salt, turmeric powder (optional), chili powder (optional)
  • 4 slices of sandwich bread

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Use a spoon to spread the mixture between two bread slices. Heat the pan/tawa and add 1 tsp of ghee/butter. Throw in 2 curry leaves (optional) and a pinch of black mustard seeds (optional). Toast the sandwich, on medium heat, both sides to make a quick and healthy school lunch for your child!1b21cc00afa211e49f1a13e00aea722d-Cheese_Bread_Sandwich5.jpg

2. Bread Scramble

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 sliced of bread
  • 1/2 chopped onion
  • 1/2 chopped tomato
  • 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder, 1/4 tsp pf chili powder (optional)

Make 4 horizontal and vertical cuts on the 2 slices of bread to cut them into small square pieces. Crack 2 eggs in a bowl and add salt, turmeric powder and chili powder (optional) to it. Whip it and add the onions, tomatoes and bread pieces to the bowl. Mix it well. Heat a pan on low heat and add 1/2 or 1 tbsp of ghee/butter. Add the contents of the bowl to it and stir fry the scramble for 3 minutes. Quick and healthy school lunch en route!ff

3. Pizza Parantha

  • Whole grain flour
  • Cheese spread
  • Pizza Sauce
  • 1/2 chopped onion
  • 1/2 chopped tomato
  • 2 tbsp boiled sweet corn (optional), 2 tbsp olives (optional)
  • Salt to taste, Oregano (optional)

Knead a dough and make a parantha. Spread 2 tbsp of cheese spread on the hot parantha and spread 1 tbsp of pizza sauce on top of it. Add the onions, tomatoes, sweet corn (optional) and olives (optional) on it, and sprinkle salt and oregano (optional) as per taste. Heat a pan/tawa and transfer the parantha to it and cover it for 4 minutes on low heat. Tasty and healthy!
